Sunday, May 27, 2007

Saluti da Roma.... We made it to Rome around 5 pm local time after issues with departure from Philadelphia and lost about 9 hours from our original arrival time to Rome. About an hour and a half was because of a delay in Philadelphia. Then, upon being in the air for probably 45 minutes, our plane (a big Airbus...) took a lightening strike. Everything was OK...we were OK, but the plane did lost some of its instrumentation. The first message was that we were going to circle back to land in Newark, NJ, then they opted to take us back into Philly. At that point, of course, we had too much fuel to land, so we circled for a while and were then met by all the emergency vehicles upon landing....just as a precaution. Lucky for us that was the outcome, because USAir would have never replaced a plane in Newark. We had to get a new plane, new crew, etc., and finally left Philly a little before 3:00 am EDT this morning.....makes for a long day. Katie and I just made it back to the hotel after finding a wonderful street cafe not far from our hotel. We took the long walk back to the hotel after a wonderful meal! We have a full day tomorrow and meet for a tour at 7:15 am and will see some Vatican sites, along with the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Square and the Basilica among other sites. We've then opted into a group dinner following an additional walking tour tomorrow evening.

Goda il resto della fine settimana lunga. E noi di ciao saranno in tocco..... (Enjoy the rest of the long weekend. Take care and we'll be in touch....)


The Myrick's said...

I'm glad you made it safely!!! Sounds like you had quite an exciting beginning to your adventure... Enjoy the vatican, it's so beautiful!!! I love you both have a pizza and a panini for me. Chris says hi...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update. Maybe that will be all the bad luck. Good it happened when it did tho. Have a wonderful time. Looking forward to the next update!
I love you both

Lisa said...

Holy cow! Despite the delays I'm so glad you're there safe and sound. Enjoy your trip and keep us updated. Love you both...


Beth said...

WOW!!! sounds like it has already been an adventure! Take care and look forward to more updates!

love ya,


Anonymous said...

Soooo glad you and Katie are there! Sounds like quite an adventure at the start of the trip.
We'll be in the way, Beth put us in touch with your blog. For some reason, we have missed out on it until today (she and the boys came yesterday for the weekend).

Love you both,

Anonymous said...

I love you guys!! I am so glad you made it safely! Have a great time! Kate take lots of beautiful pictures for me! Steph

Irene said...

Holy smokes...what a flight!! Ed and I would of ran for our car when we landed back in Philly. Really glad you both arrived safe and sound. Keep sending the updates as the rest of your trip sounds awesome. Irene