Monday, May 28, 2007

Roma and All Its Glory....

After spending time with Italians today, I feel like I need to over annunciate my words when I speak from now on!!!

We had a long, but great day spending time at the Vatican museums....saw the Sistine Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica, St. Paul's Basilica, the Coliseum, Roman Forum, and on and on.... Can't begin to describe the Vatican experience and standing in the Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica. We were with a great group of people and had a couple of great Italian tour guides. We finished off this afternoon by visiting the catacombs of Rome (dating back to 1000 AD), which go down 30 meters into the earth. Amazing. Just got back to the hotel after a group dinner...Italian, of course....

It struck me today that Rome is really where the world began...where the civilized (although it was sometimes pagan) world began..... Hard to explain....

We're spending time on our own here in Rome tomorrow, then head from the hotel for the train station on to Florence very early Wednesday morning...

Hope all is well with everyone. Let us hear from you!!

Here's a couple of over 200 pics I took today (sorry for not rotating before I posted!!)....

Katie is standing on the line that physically separates the city of Rome and the 'country' of Vatican City...
A shot from the Sistine Chapel...


Anonymous said...

What an exciting day! Just to walk where the saints have walked!! Not to mention all the other art and history. You are doing great with the updates. Met any kin yet? Ha.
I love you both

Lisa said...

Hey! Glad to know that you're feeling the same as I did - standing where history "began." Doesn't it just want you to sit down and read the Bible again right from the very start? I see that you also ignored the "no photos" sign in the Chapel - ha! Glad you're having a great time. Love ya, Lisa

Anonymous said...

This is my only question - when do you meet with the representative from "Remax-Italiano"????? Remember - we need at LEAST a 3 bedroom!!! lp

Anonymous said...

Everything looks amazing!!- love you-steph