Friday, June 22, 2007

Beginning of Summer....

Can't believe it's the end of June. Where has the year gone? We've been back from Italy a little over 2 weeks and I've been to Jacksonville, Ft. Myers, then Chicago. I am glad to store the luggage away for a few days/weeks. According to my USAir FF account, I've logged ~44,000 miles since early March.... whew!

Things are good here just busy. We're having BEAUTIFUL weather. It was in the high-70s today and we're forecast for a high of 77 tomorrow. Hey, I'll take that in late June!

Katie is doing good and on 6/11, officially became 'legal', whatever that means... Can't believe she's 21! Makes me feel real old. She's got just 2 semesters of school left..... She had a significant achievement occur this week. A couple of days ago she found out that a photo she had taken a couple of weeks ago as part of a class project, will be featured on the cover of Wilmington College’s fall course catalog. How cool is that!! I’m so proud of her!!!!!

Katie's been editing the near 1,000 pictures she took while in Italy. While we were on that tour, she was approached by a couple of people in our tour group who were interested in purchasing some of her pictures. She's in the midst of setting up a web-site where pictures can be posted and purchased. Already creating a business for herself...

Sending well wishes to call. Keep in touch.


VLR's Thoughts and Feelings said...

I loved your blog stories and pictures. You are blessed and a special ya, vickie

Anonymous said...

It looks like you've both had such a great time, such beautiful pictures. Thanks so much for sharing them with me. Kathy

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