Thursday, May 31, 2007


Greetings again, from Frienze... Yesterday, we had a nearly full day of city tour and art museums. Yesterday afternoon a few of us visited the Uffizi Gallery, home of various de Vinci works and earlier in the day, the Academia Museum, home of Michaelangelo's 'David' sculpture. Was amazing..... It became obvious that I don't know as much about art history as I thought I did.... learned a lot yesterday.

On the shopping front, we finally had a 'splurge' yesterday and bought (no, invested in.... :-)...) Italian handbags.... Was fun spending a few Euro.... Did some other shopping today of local goods, including a couple of beautiful Florentine painted ceramic pieces.

A group of 6 of us went to dinner last night and I had another Italian 'happy birthday' moment with singing by a crowded restaurant... Waiters brought out a big cookie with a fireworks-type sparkler the size of a roman candle. We all decided that would have been an illegal experience in the US in a public place!! :-) The group had decided it was a birthday week, so we'd use my birthday as an excuse to get a little attention.....pretty pitiful, I know.... I told them, I'm done with my birthday and that Katie's is next. She's counting down to her 21st on June 11!!!.... (Can't believe she's about to be 21.....)

Today, the same six of us, headed out from Florence to explore more of the Tuscany region. It was WONDERFUL! Can't even begin to describe the landscapes.....mountains, rolling hills, vineyard after vineyard and olive tree grove after olive tree grove. We visited the villages of San Casciana, San Gimignano, a winery along the way and the town of Siena. It was raining during the afternoon, but that was OK. We still enjoyed the day trip. I am so glad it became an optional excursion for us.

We've really bonded with a great group of people. There's another mom-daughter couple from Washington, DC, along with two married couple from Rochester, NY and the other from Reno, NV. Great people....

Tomorrow morning, we head to Venice on a 3-hour train ride. Can't believe we been here nearly a week.

I've got lots of pictures from today, but haven't downloaded yet, so here's a couple from our train ride into Florence on Wednesday and the city/museum tour yesterday. Mom, be sure to share the 1st picture with Dad.... think he'll appreciate it!!

Hope everyone is well........... Caio!!


Anonymous said...

Dad thought the hay was pretty.
Not quite as good as his tho!!!!
The pictures were good. Brings to mind an old song....memories are made of this.
Stay safe
I love you

The Myrick's said...

Sounds like ya'll are having a wonderful time. It's fun getting to know other people. That's what made the trip to me so special - bonding with my mom and experiencing Italy with new friends. We called our group the "Back of the Bus" because that's where we all sat, in the back of the bus...

Katie 21.... Seems like yesterday she was calling me tisty and toddling around...

Enjoy Venice, make sure you take a gondola ride. Savor the rich aroma of the canals. Katie, Don't forget to get a mask, Anna loves my mask from Venice. I hope you enjoy the glass making. Cover your heads around the pigeons but don't hurt them, it's against the law...


We love you,

Michelle and Chris